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Welcome to the

Boulder County Meditation Circle

1430 Nelson Rd, Suite 201
Longmont, CO 80503

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The Boulder County Meditation Circle (BCMC) is composed of members and friends of Self-Realization Fellowship (SRF), the worldwide spiritual organization founded by Paramahansa Yogananda in 1920, headquartered in Los Angeles, California.


​"SRF is dedicated to promoting a greater harmony and understanding among the world's various religions by teaching the fundamental principle of religion of how to commune personally with God. Silent meditation to attain God communion is held to be the foundation of true religion." Paramahansa Yogananda


​BCMC provides silent meditation and Reading services every Sunday morning and special commemoration services throughout the year. BCMC functions as a conduit to the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda for any interested seeker.


​If you are new to BCMC and have questions about SRF, our activities, books or publications, or the SRF meditation lessons, a service leader will gladly provide an answer following any service.


​If you need more information, please contact Scott, 303-775-3772 or Kathy at 303-604-6465.


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